Abstract Submission

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16th Asian-Pacific Congress of Hypertension
Hypertension is a leading cause of death worldwide. Although hypertension is more prevalent in economically developed countries, the disease burden is greater in developing countries due to the much larger population. With the Asia-Pacific region home to over 65% of the world’s population, the levels of hypertension are truly escalating. Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, heart and kidney disease and one of the top contributors to the health burden in the Asia-Pacific and indeed globally. Read more at https://apch2021.org/about-apch/

The online submission system will guide you through the submission of your abstract.

Abstracts must describe original, previously unpublished and un-presented work.

Scheduling of poster sessions and abstract presentations is at the discretion of the Scientific Committee. Abstracts will be organized into sessions using the topics chosen by the submitter in the online system.

Authors of the first 100 abstracts submitted & selected will be registered complimentary for APCH 2021.

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